September 2017
A Citywide Takeover by Lonely Whale
Leading Seattle businesses and cultural icons committed to incorporating marine degradable alternatives to single-use plastic straws resulting in the radical reduction of plastic straw consumption in Seattle. In September alone, 2.3 million single-use plastic straws were permanently removed from the city. On launch of Strawless In Seattle, the Mayor of Seattle announced that in July, 2018 Seattle will become the largest metropolitan city to ban the single-use plastic straw.
The first campaign of its kind, Strawless In Seattle supports Strawless Ocean's global initiative to remove 500 million plastic straws from the U.S. waste stream in 2017.
Which celebrity athlete Stole Seattle's Plastic Straws?
Learn WHO was behind #StrawlessInSeattle - click to watch the reveal!
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Featured Press
"It’s one thing to personally decide against using straws, but it’s another thing altogether for a whole business or city to decide to go plastic-straw free."